Water & Wastewater

Water and Wastewater

Our mission is to provide continuous delivery of a potable and palatable water supply with adequate volume and pressure to all residential, commercial, industrial and public water consumers. We maintain the quality of wastewater for public health enjoyment, protecting wildlife, operating industries and for economic development.


24-hour emergency service

  • Daytime Phone Number: 972-450-2871
  • After Hours Phone Number: 972-450-7156

To request emergency water turn-off or to report a water meter leak, water main break, fire hydrant leak or clogged or overflowing wastewater main, call the numbers above. An operator will be dispatched immediately. There is no charge for these services.

No one but an authorized agent may turn your water on or off at the water meter. This is to prevent any damage to the water meter and/or service line. Some houses have gate valves that can be accessed by the resident when necessary. If you are not sure if you have a gate valve, we will help you locate it.

How safe is my water?

Superior Delivered fresh to your tap daily, the water you consume in Addison has earned the State's highest water quality designation. We take pride in working to maintain our "superior" designation. Responsible for water distribution and maintenance of water and wastewater infrastructure within Addison, the Utility Division has set providing safe and reliable drinking water as its highest priority.

Capital Improvements on the Utility System

Water Master Plan

We have contracted with the engineering firm, Bury, Inc. to perform an analysis and comprehensive study of Addison's potable water system. From this study, we will develop an overall Capital Improvements Program as well as make updates to the Operations and Maintenance Program.

Sanitary Sewer Evaluation and Study

Addison has contracted with the engineering firm, LNV, Inc. to perform an analysis and comprehensive study of Addison's sanitary sewer system. From this study, the Town will develop an overall Capital Improvements Program as well as make updates to the Operations and Maintenance Program.
