Public Comment Procedures

Guidelines for Speaking at Addison City Government Public Meetings

The Mayor, City Council, and Planning & Zoning Commission welcome your participation. To ensure that all persons have the opportunity to be heard, the following guidelines have been approved by the Council for public testimony.

Public Forum

  • Speakers must address their comments to the presiding officer rather than to individual Council Members or staff.
  • Speakers should stand at the podium, speak clearly into the microphone, and state their name and address prior to beginning your remarks.
  • Speakers are allowed a maximum of 3 minutes for testimony. There is a maximum of 5 speakers total during the Public Forum.
  • Speakers making personal, impertinent, profane, or slanderous remarks may be removed from the room. Unauthorized remarks from the audience, stamping of feet, whistles, yells, or similar demonstrations will not be permitted.
  • No placards, banners, or signs will be permitted in the Chambers or in any other room in which the Council is meeting.
  • In accordance with the State Open Meetings Act, the City Council is restricted from discussing or taking action on items not listed on the agenda. Action can only be taken at a future meeting.

Public Hearing

  • Speakers should address their comments to the presiding officer rather than to individual council members or staff.
  • Speakers should stand at the podium, speak clearly into the microphone, and state their name and address prior to beginning your remarks.
  • The applicant will be allowed a maximum of 10 minutes to make a presentation and 5 minutes for rebuttal.
  • Testimony should be concise and should present the Council with information not substantially addressed by previous testimony.
  • Organized Groups (HOA's neighborhoods, groups affiliated with the applicant) will have 3 minutes to speak on the issue. It is suggested that written testimony accompany oral comments. If a speaker is unable to complete their presentation within the time limited allotted, the speaker may leave their written remarks with the City Secretary to distribute to Council.
  • Individuals who do not wish to speak, but want to register support or opposition, should also fill out an appearance card for either Planning & Zoning Meetings or City Council Meetings. The Mayor or Planning & Zoning Chair will read each name into the record.