Campaign Finance Reports

Office Holders Campaign Finance Reports

Non-Office Holder Campaign Finance Reports

Other Candidates

(No Candidate Finance Reports Received)

  • Zachary Feffer - Filed Treasurer Form in 2023
  • Sydney Powell-Bindi - Filed Treasurer Form in 2019
  • J.P. Vercollone - Filed Treasurer Form in 2023

Candidates who have submitted a final report for July 15, 2022 and before are not shown. Copies of those documents may be obtained by filing a Public Information Request.

Title 15 of the Election Code is entitled "Regulating Political Funds and Campaigns." Administration, interpretation, and enforcement of Election Code (EC) Title 15 are the responsibility of the Texas Ethics Commission. The Commission has prescribed forms and instruction guides which may be obtained by downloading from the Commission's website or contacting the Commission's office. The address and phone number are:

Texas Ethics Commission
P.O. Box 12070, Capitol Station
Austin, Texas 78711-2070

Phone: 1-800-325-8506
Fax: (512) 463-5777


Any person may file a written complaint with the commission alleging a violation of EC Title 15. The complaint can be about any person subject to EC Title 15 alleging a violation of a rule adopted by or a law administered and enforced by the Commission. Commission investigation of a complaint filed in connection with a city election would be deferred until the day after the election, or the day after any runoff election, if the complaint is filed within 60 days before the date of the election.

General Provisions of the Law

  1. EC Title 15 applies to all elections held in the state for nominating or electing candidates to public elective offices created by or under authority of the laws of the state of for voting on measures submitted to the voters.
  2. The principal objective of the law is to obtain a full public disclosure with regard to the financing of political campaigns and officeholder activities that are supported by contributions instead of public money.
  3. There are no limits on the amount that a candidate, officeholder, or political committee may receive in contributions or incur in expenditures.
  4. There are both civil and criminal penalties for violation of provisions of Title 15.

Reports Filed with City Secretary

Every Title 15 report that is filed with the city secretary must be filed on a form prescribed by the commission, using black ink, unless the report is a computer printout. Report may be filed by first class United State mail or common or contract carrier; or by personal delivery.

Inspection and Copying of Documents

Documents filed under EC Title 15 become public information at the time they are received in the city secretary's office.

Candidates and committees are listed in alphabetical order. Any questions, please contact city secretary at

Election Code Amendment - 9/1/2023

HB2626: Amending Section 254.0401, Election Code was amended by adding the following:

(b) The clerk/secretary of a political subdivision's governing body shall make the Campaign Finance Reports available online on the Town's Internet website not later than the 10th business day after the date the report is received.

(h) A report made available on an Internet website under this section must be accessible on that website until the 5th anniversary of the date the report is first made available.

This law becomes effective on 9/1/2023.