Addison's Commitment to Provide Equal Access

The Town of Addison has undertaken a comprehensive evaluation of its programs, services, and activities (PSAs) to determine the extent that individuals with disabilities may be restricted in their access. Addison has committed to removing those barriers for not only individuals with mobility needs but also individuals with sensory and cognitive disabilities.

The purpose of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Transition Plan(PDF, 218MB)  is to provide the framework for achieving equal access to the Town of Addison's PSAs within a reasonable timeframe. The Town's elected officials and staff believe that accommodating persons with disabilities is essential to good customer service ensures the quality of life every resident seeks to enjoy and guides future improvements. This Plan has been prepared after careful study of all the Town's programs, services, activities, and evaluation of a select number of Town facilities. 

Ashley Shroyer, ADA/504 Coordinator Deputy City Manager
Town Hall
5300 Belt Line Road
Dallas, TX 75254
Office: 972-450-7010
Relay: 1-800-735-2989

Title I

Title II

STEAR Program

Do you or anyone you know need some assistance during times of an emergency event?  The state of Texas offers the STEAR program and encourages all with functional and access needs to sign up. The STEAR program is a free registry that provides local city emergency planners and emergency responders with additional information on the needs in their community. You must update your information once a year to stay in the system. Get more information here.

Note:  This registration does not guarantee that you will receive a specific service during an emergency.

Critical Care or Chronic Condition Customer

Individuals with a serious condition that requires a electric-powered medical device, can fill out a “critical care or chronic condition customer” application with a physician and submit it to Oncor, to determine if they are eligible for prioritization during power outages. For more information see Oncor’s webpage

Note:  This registration does not guarantee that you will receive a specific service during an emergency.