Midway Road Reconstruction

  • Project TypeADA; Bond / CO Project; Drainage Improvements; Sewer; Streets / Sidewalks; Utilities
  • Project StatusUnder Construction
Midway Road Reconstruction

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Midway Road Overview Videos

Project Background

In 2012, Addison voters approved $16 million in General Obligation bonds for the reconstruction of Midway Road from Spring Valley Road to Keller Springs Road. In November 2018, the City Council directed the City Manager to proceed with the issuance of Certificates of Obligation in the amount of $25 million to completely fund the project. The 2012 bond program did not include the replacement of the utilities under the roadway or the increase in scope to accommodate the new Master Transportation Plan elements that are included as part of the current plan.

Council gave notice of their intention to issue $15 million in Certificates of Obligation in July 2019. Dallas County has recently awarded Addison a $2.7 million grant dedicated to building a trail that will connect to the trail adjacent to the Silver Line.

Status Updates

September 27, 2024

Progress has been slightly delayed due to the rain earlier in the week, but the retaining wall work at the intersections of Beltway Drive and Proton Drive has progressed somewhat with the exception of a couple areas where franchise utilities are in conflict.

To address some of these ongoing utility issues, the project team has scheduled an on-site meeting with Oncor for next Tuesday to resolve some of the challenges that are still causing delays.

More new trees have been successfully planted on the north side of the project. The project team is also working with the Parks Department on coordinating landscaping changes for the new developments, Rodeo Goat and AMLI Treehouse.

The previously unlocated telecommunications infrastructure at the intersection of Lindbergh has now been identified, and the traffic signal contractor is cleared to start work. The work at this intersection is expected to begin within the next week or two.

July 12, 2024

The new traffic signals at the Midway Road and Belt Line Road intersection are scheduled to be activated on Monday, July 15, from 9am to 3:30pm. During this time traffic will have a red flashing light in all directions, requiring all vehicles to stop at the intersection. There will also be various lane closures as final adjustments to the lights are completed.

June 4, 2024

Main Lane Paving:Paving of the main lanes was completed in May. The project team is currently waiting for Atmos to relocate a shallow gas line that conflicts with the new pavement just north of the Belt Line Road intersection. The contractor is also awaiting back-ordered materials necessary to complete the water main valve stacks. The lanes in this area will be opened to traffic once drier weather allows for the striping of the newly paved lanes.

Sidepath Trail & Sidewalks: Most sidewalk and trail work has been completed. There are still several locations with franchise utility conflicts with the sidewalk and retaining walls. Some conflicts have already been relocated and the sidewalk work is continuing in those areas. Some of the areas at the major signalized intersections are waiting for new signals to be completed so that the old traffic signals can be removed for the sidewalks to be poured.

Traffic Signals: The project is still waiting for Oncor to install electrical meters at the Proton, Beltway and Belt Line intersections. With the recent storms, there will be more delays as Oncor's crews have been reassigned to do damage repair and cleanup.

Landscaping: The project team is collaborating with the landscape contractor to modify specific tree configurations. These adjustments are necessary because some trees are not available in the required caliper size to thrive in their new locations. The Parks Department is currently reviewing and approving these changes.

Irrigation for the south end of the project is awaiting the installation of electrical meters by Oncor Electrical for the irrigation controllers. Due to the extensive outages and cleanup efforts, the timeline for Oncor's availability is uncertain. To address this, the contractor is procuring solar-powered irrigation controllers to provide temporary irrigation power until the permanent electric meter installation is complete.

March 12, 2024

On Wednesday, March 13, Midway Road traffic from Belt Line Road to Wiley Post Road will be switched to the newly constructed northbound pavement. This traffic switch is contingent on the weather conditions on Wednesday. There will be one lane of traffic in each direction and a continuous turn lane for this section. This traffic switch is to facilitate the demolition and replacement of the existing southbound lanes.

The traffic from Wiley Post Road to Keller Springs Road will also be re-opened to three travel lanes in each direction. Periodic lane closure will continue along the side and median areas to complete sidewalks, walls, median pavers, and landscape restoration work.

Drivers should pay close attention to the traffic control and lane assignments in this area and observe the location of signal heads and directional signage at the intersections. Please remember that the speed limit in this area is 40 miles per hour.

September 26, 2023

On Thursday, September 28, Midway Road traffic north of Belt Line Road will be switched to the newly constructed southbound pavement from Keller Springs Road to Lindbergh Drive. There will be one lane of traffic in each direction and a continuous turn lane. This adjustment is designed to facilitate the renovation of the existing northbound lanes.

Drivers should pay close attention to the traffic control and lane assignments in this area and observe the location of signal heads and directional signage at the intersections. Please remember that the speed limit along this area is 40 MPH.

From Spring Valley Road to Belt Line Road, construction is progressing on the sidepath trail, retaining walls, and barrier-free sidewalk ramps. Final grading work, irrigation, landscape improvements, and traffic signal work will follow to complete this segment of the project. Installation of the new 16 inch waterline under the DART Right-of-Way is complete and final backfilling and testing should be completed within the next month.

August 21, 2023

The Midway Road Revitalization Project has reached a long-awaited milestone. With the substantial completion of the main lane paving from Spring Valley Road to Belt Line Road, additional travel lanes along this segment on both sides of the street will be opened this week. Drivers should pay close attention to the traffic control and lane assignments in this area and observe the location of signal heads and directional signage at the intersections.

Work will continue along the side and median areas to complete sidewalks, walls, median pavers, and landscape restoration work. Please remember that the speed limit along this area is 40 miles per hour.

Along the north segment of the project, the southbound main lane paving from Keller Springs Road to Lindbergh Drive has been completed. Work continues in this section to finish the drive approaches, curbs, and gutters, as well as restoration along the area. Boring beneath the numerous utilities, bridges, and other improvements under the DART Right-of-Way is ongoing to install the new 16" waterline. Work in this area is anticipated to wrap up by early September.

August 9, 2023

Work on the Midway Road Revitalization Project continues. Next up is the placement of the main lane paving on the west side of the northern section of Midway Road from just north of the Dooley/Boyington intersection southward to Lindbergh Drive. The concrete placement will begin on Friday, August 11 and is anticipated to take 5-7 working days to complete. This work will require some temporary lane closures along the route to allow concrete trucks to access the paving equipment.

Final sections of the main lane pavement are being completed along the east side of Midway Road from Proton Drive to Belt Line Road. Additionally, franchised and private utility adjustments, sidewalks, SidePath Trail, and accessible ramp construction continues along Midway Road from Spring Valley Road to Belt Line Road. New Traffic Signal construction is underway at several intersections along this corridor, and new street lighting is being installed along the entire corridor.

Installation has begun of the new waterline under the DART right-of-way by boring beneath the numerous utilities, bridges and other improvements in this area and is anticipated to be completed by early September.

June 23, 2023

The Midway Road Revitalization project is making significant progress. Paving on the eastern two lanes of Midway from Belt Line Road to Proton Drive is wrapping up this week. Paving of the third lane is anticipated to begin late next week, weather permitting. Once the roadway is completed, work will refocus on sidewalks, medians, lights, and other amenities.

Construction is also under way at the northern end of the project, where there has been a great deal of paving progress from Dooley Road to Keller Springs Road.

May 25, 2023

The Midway Road Revitalization Project is making steady progress along the corridor. Recently, the west side of the northern section of Midway Road, from Keller Spring Road to just north of the Dooley/Boyington intersection, underwent main lane paving. The work in the northern section will continue with demolition, soil stabilization, and paving towards Lindbergh Drive. In the southern section, the contractor will focus on the east side of Midway Road, working northward from Belt Line Road to Proton Drive.

Efforts to adjust franchised and private utilities, construct sidewalks, trails, and accessible ramps are ongoing on the west side of Midway, from Spring Valley Road to Belt Line. Additionally, new traffic signals are being installed at various intersections along the corridor, and street lighting is being installed throughout.

To facilitate the installation of a new 16" waterline, preparations are being made for boring beneath the DART right-of-way. This process involves navigating utilities, bridges, and other improvements in the area. Boring activities are scheduled to commence in a couple of weeks and are expected to take around three weeks to complete.

Drivers are advised to be attentive to traffic control measures, lane assignments, signal heads, and directional signage at intersections.

April 14, 2021

The next phase of the Midway Road Revitalization Project is the removal and replacement of the existing pavement on the northbound lanes of Midway from Proton Drive to Belt Line Road. Traffic will be switched over to the new pavement on the southbound lanes on Wednesday, April 19 after the morning rush hour. The traffic configuration will have one lane of traffic in each direction and a continuous left turn lane in the center. The switch may be delayed if there is inclement weather.

Drivers should pay close attention to the traffic control and lane assignments in this area and observe the location of signal heads and directional signage at the intersections.

March 29, 2023

Main lane construction along Midway Road is currently taking place at the north and south ends of the project limits. South of Belt Line Road, all traffic is anticipated to switch to the new southbound lanes later this month so work can begin on the northbound lanes between Proton Drive and Belt Line. Most of the utility work from Keller Springs Road to Dooley Road has been completed so crews have begun demolition and reconstruction of the main lanes in that area as well. The video above provides additional details on what is complete and what is to come.

March 15, 2023

Midway detour map March 15Archer Western Herzog, DART's contractor for the Silver Line, is planning to close the north and south bound lanes of Midway Road between Centurion Way and Lindbergh Drive on Saturday, March 18 from 5am to 2pm. The closure is to remove the old track rail and rail ties. The area will be temporarily patched until that portion of Midway Road is repaved.

The detour map is above. Travelers are encouraged to seek alternate routes

February 22, 2023

Main lane pavement demolition in the northern segment of the Midway Road Revitalization Project will begin the week of February 27. The southbound lanes from Keller Springs Road to Dooley Road will be closed and all traffic will be moved to the northbound lanes. The traffic configuration will have one lane of traffic in each direction and a continuous left turn lane in the center. Drivers should pay close attention to the traffic control and lane assignments in this area and observe the location of signal heads and directional signage at the intersections.

The lime stabilization process of the main lane subgrade of Midway Road from Belt Line Road to Proton Drive is underway. After a "cooking period" the lime subgrade will be remixed and then compacted into its final configuration. Next will be the installation of the reinforcing steel and joints and finally the placement of the street pavement.

February 10, 2023

After several weather-related delays, the main lane paving of the Midway Road Revitalization Project from Belt Line Road to Proton Drive is scheduled to begin the week of February 13. Activities will include the fine grading and lime stabilization of the subgrade, installation of the reinforcing steel and joints, and finally the placement of the street pavement.

Franchise and private utility adjustments and sidewalk, trail, and accessible ramp construction continue from Spring Valley Road to Proton. New water and sanitary sewer lines as well as temporary traffic signal systems at intersections are being installed from Keller Springs Road to Belt Line. Drivers should pay close attention to the traffic control and lane assignments in this area and observe the location of signal heads and directional signage at the intersections.

January 20, 2023

The drainage improvements and utility adjustments along Midway Road are nearing completion along the southbound lanes from Belt Line Road to Proton Drive. The next phase is the subgrade stabilization and pavement placement in this corridor. This work is scheduled to begin within the next few days. Drivers should pay close attention to the traffic control and lane assignments in this area and observe the location of signal heads and directional signage at the intersections.

The removal and replacement of the concrete of the south portion of the Beltway intersection will also start next week. Traffic lanes will be pushed to the north side of the intersection maintaining one lane of traffic in each direction.

The construction of the sidewalk, trail, and median improvements from Spring Valley Road to Proton is continuing and the utility work on the north segment of the project from Keller Springs Road to Belt Line is nearing completion.

November 22, 2022

Today we opened two of the new Midway Road southbound lanes from Proton Road to Spring Valley. The outside lane is still closed while work progresses on the new 10-foot side path trail. Most of the pavement on the southbound lanes from Belt Line to Proton has been removed and the remaining utility work in this section is underway.

October 26, 2022

The next phase of the main lane paving operation is the removal and replacement of the existing pavement on the southbound lanes from Belt Line Road to Proton Drive. Traffic will be switched over to the northbound lanes Tuesday, November 1 after the morning rush hour. The traffic configuration will have one lane of traffic in each direction and a continuous left turn lane in the center.

October 21, 2022

Work on the Midway Road Revitalization project continues to progress. Crews are working on the reconstruction of the main lane paving and amenities for the section of Midway from Spring Valley Road to Belt Line Road. The road paving is completed from Spring Valley Road to Proton Drive, except for a couple of driveways and leave-outs that are still in progress. The medians and crossover areas will be constructed next, with street lighting, landscape, irrigation, sidewalks, ramps, and trail to follow.

Construction will then move north to the section of Midway from Proton Drive to Belt Line Road. Traffic will be switched over to the northbound lanes and the southbound lanes will be closed to allow the demolition and reconstruction of the main lane paving, followed by the other project amenities. Once this is completed, the traffic will be shifted to the newly constructed southbound lanes and the northbound lanes will be closed as the construction continues.

The Contractor has also made significant progress in the northern segment of the project from Keller Springs Road to Belt Line Road with the installation of the water mains, sanitary sewer mains, and storm sewer improvements This will allow the paving operation to begin along this section sooner than scheduled.

The project schedule anticipated that main lane construction from Spring Valley Road to Belt Line Road would be completed by the end of 2022. As with any large project in an urban environment, several challenges and events have delayed the paving process:

  • Utility Relocation: The number of underground franchise and private utilities in the corridor is staggering and many lines were actually buried shallower than the plans shared by providers showed them to be. In order to protect lines from damage, crews have had to hand dig in several areas.
  • Weather: Winter storm events in 2021 and 2022, as well as a couple of months of record rainfall, also contributed to the challenges and delays for the project. Any rain during the demolition and subgrade stabilization process can delay work for several days.
  • Material and Labor Shortages: Like many projects around the country, supply chain issues, material and labor shortages, and lost time for workers with COVID have also contributed to challenges and delays.

The newly adjusted schedule now predicts that the main lane paving operation from Spring Valley Road to Belt Line Road will be completed by the end of March 2023, a delay of three months from what was previously communicated. The Town and its contractor are exploring options to advance construction to still meet the original project completion date of February 2024.

September 29, 2022

Work to Begin on South Side of Proton Intersection on September 30.

As the main lane paving for the southbound lanes on Midway Road from Spring Valley to Proton continues, the next work activity is the removal and replacement of the south side pavement of the Proton intersection. All traffic will be switched over to the north side of Proton, with one lane of traffic in each direction, starting on Friday, September 30. Work is scheduled to be completed within 3 – 4 weeks.

Drivers should pay close attention to the traffic control and lane assignments in this area and observe the location of signal heads and directional signage at the intersections.

August 8, 2022

Midway Road closure and detourDART's Silver Line design-build contractor Archer Western Herzog (AWH) is planning an overnight street closure of Midway Road at the DART rail crossing from 8pm on Thursday, August 11 to 6am on Friday, August 12. The closure is to place the blue, decorative arches for the new bridge over Midway Road.

Another closure will be required the following week to place the actual bridge. Once confirmed, details will be available on the Town's website at www.addisontexas.net. When planning your detour, please note that Surveyor Boulevard is currently closed at the DART rail closing.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact AWH Manager Marvin Jackson at mljackson@walshgroup.com or Addison's Director of Public Works and Engineering Shannon Hicks at shicks@addisontx.gov.

July 26, 2022

The next phase of the Midway Road Revitalization Project is the removal and replacement of the existing pavement on the southbound lanes from Proton to Spring Valley. Traffic will be switched over to the new pavement on the northbound lanes Friday, July 29 after the morning rush hour. The traffic configuration will have one lane of traffic in each direction and a continuous left turn lane in the center.

Drivers should pay close attention to the traffic control and lane assignments in this area and observe the location of signal heads and directional signage at the intersections.

July 18, 2022

Main lane pavement replacement for the Midway Road Revitalization Project has been completed for the northbound lanes from Spring Valley Road to Proton Drive. The driveways, sidewalks, barrier-free ramps, retaining walls, and other amenities are now being constructed along the eastern side of the northbound lanes. Once these are complete, the traffic will be moved onto the new pavement to allow the southbound lanes from Spring Valley to Proton to be reconstructed. The traffic switch is scheduled for the last week of July.

The new sanitary sewer lines continue to be installed just south of Belt Line Road. At the same time utility crews are continuing to work on the installation of the new water and sanitary sewer lines in the northern segment of the project between Keller Springs Road and Belt Line Road. On-going DART Silver Line construction also continues just north of the Arapaho Bridge crossing.

July 1, 2022 Update

As the Main Lane Paving Phase of the Midway Road Revitalization Project continues, the next phase is the removal of the existing pavement and the placement of new pavement for the eastern portion of the Proton/Midway intersection. Construction of the eastern portion of the intersection will require temporarily restricting all traffic through the east leg of the intersection. Traffic will be detoured along Midway Road and Spring Valley Road to access the eastern side of Proton Drive beginning Thursday, June 30, and it is anticipated to take 10 days to complete the work. Drivers should pay close attention to the traffic control and detour signs in this area.

June 14, 2022 Update

As the Main Lane Paving Phase of the Midway Road Revitalization Project continues, we will be using flaggers to direct traffic for the northbound traffic from Spring Valley Road to Proton Drive on Thursday, June 16 and Friday, June 17 between 8am and 4pm. Drivers should pay close attention to the directions provided by the flaggers during these times.

June 9, 2022 Update

Pavement replacement for the Midway Road Revitalization Project began on Thursday, June 9. The two easternmost northbound lanes from Hornet Road to Proton Drive were the first lanes placed. The concrete placements will continue from Hornet Road to Spring Valley Road in phases until all northbound lanes are constructed. You will notice that some areas were skipped in the current paving process. Those areas were left to allow access to the adjacent businesses and will be completed at various phases to assure continuous access to those businesses. Please note that once the new concrete is placed, it will be required to "cure" (to attain the specified compressive strength) prior to vehicles being allowed on the new pavement. As the pavement replacement is completed, the sidewalks, ramps, retaining walls, and other amenities will be completed along the eastern side of the northbound lanes.

The new sanitary sewer lines continue to be installed from Beltway Drive to Belt Line Road and utility crews are working to complete the installation of the new water and sanitary sewer lines in the northern segment of the project between Keller Springs Road and Belt Line Road. On-going DART Silver Line construction also continues just north of the Arapaho Bridge crossing.

May 27, 2022 Update

As the Utility Phase of the Midway Road Revitalization Project continues, it is again necessary to allow only right turns at the Beltway Drive / Midway Road intersection on Tuesday, May 31 and Wednesday, June 1 between 8am and 4pm. Drivers will be detoured to the next median opening and a U-Turn will be required to complete the detour.

May 24, 2022 Update

As the Utility Phase of the Midway Road Revitalization Project continues, it is necessary to allow only right turns at the Beltway Drive / Midway Road intersection on Thursday, May 26 and Friday, May 27 between 8am and 4pm, depending on the weather. Drivers will be detoured to the next median opening and a U-Turn will be required to complete the detour.

May 19, 2022 Update

The recent rains slowed the Midway Road Revitalization process temporarily, but now that the construction area has dried out, the paving crew is ready to begin the soil stabilization and paving process for the northbound lanes from Spring Valley to Proton. They will be stabilizing the soil subgrade using a process called "lime stabilization" where a lime solution is mixed into the soil and allowed to "cook" (a chemical reaction between the soil and the lime that reduces the shrink/swell tendencies of the soil). After "cooking" for several days, the treated soil is then re-mixed and compacted to complete the stabilization process.

Next, the reinforcing steel and formwork for the pavement will be installed. Finally, the concrete will be placed and will be required to "cure" (to attain the specified compressive strength) prior to vehicles being allowed on the new pavement. After the main lane pavement is complete, the Proton intersection will require a short-term closure of the eastern side of the intersection for the construction of the intersection paving. Additional details will be provided prior to this short-term closure.

Once the northbound lanes from Spring Valley to Proton are complete, traffic will be switched over to the newly paved side and the southbound lanes from Spring Valley to Proton will be demolished and removed to allow for drainage improvements and pavement to be completed in this phase of the project. Additional details will be provided prior to the traffic switch to begin this work.

Utility crews continue to work on the installation of the new water and sanitary sewer lines north of the area being paved and the ongoing DART SilverLine construction continues just north of the Arapaho Bridge crossing.

April 29, 2022 Update

The construction team anticipates having the majority of the construction south of Belt Line Road completed by the end of 2022. The phasing for this part of the project has recently been revised to help minimize the impact on the public. The northbound lanes from Spring Valley Road to Proton Road are currently under construction. Crews will then move to the southbound lanes between Spring Valley and Proton. Once the southernmost part of the project is completed, they will move back to the northbound lanes from Proton to Belt Line and finish this segment of the project with the southbound lanes from Belt Line to Proton. The contractor anticipates spending roughly 90 days in each section.

This revision will allow for the reconstruction of the intersection at Hornet Lane to be completed while Greenhill School is out for the summer and minimize the amount of construction adjacent to Belt Line Road during Kaboom Town!

Work on the Midway Road Revitalization project kicked off in March 2021. Over the last year, Addison has made significant progress. This video provides a behind-the-scenes look at the work currently underway.

April 11, 2022 Update

As the Utility Phase of the Midway Road Revitalization Project continues, it is necessary to allow only right turns at the Wiley Post Road / Midway Road intersection between 9am and 3:30pm beginning on Tuesday, April 12. This daily closure is scheduled to end on Friday, April 15. Drivers will be detoured to the next median opening and a U-Turn will be required to complete the detour.

Please note that construction work continues on the DART Silver Line Project from Lindbergh Drive to the Arapaho Road Bridge. So, while driving through the Midway corridor, please pay close attention to the signage and barricading, as the traffic patterns through the area will change as various portions of the construction are undertaken.

March 18, 2022 Update

With the pavement demolition completed, storm drainage improvements are currently under construction on the east side of Midway Road from Spring Valley Road to Proton Drive in preparation for the upcoming subgrade stabilization and new concrete pavement construction. The pavement construction work will be done in phases to maintain access to surrounding properties throughout construction. The contractor has four utility crews on the project and in addition to storm drainage improvements, they are installing new sanitary sewer lines from Beltwood Drive to Belt Line Road and new waterlines from Wright Brothers Drive to Lindbergh Drive. So, while driving through the Midway corridor, please pay close attention to the signage and barricading, as the traffic patterns through the area will change as various portions of the construction are undertaken.

ATMOS, Oncor, and several communication companies are working on relocating and upgrading their facilities in advance of the Midway Road Revitalization Project. The DART Silver Line construction is also under construction where it crosses Midway Road just north of the Arapaho Road Bridge.

February 17, 2022 Update

Demolition and removal of the paving on Midway Road have begun along the northbound lanes from Spring Valley Road to Proton Drive. Private utility line adjustments and storm sewer system improvements are currently underway. The next major activity for this phase will be the final grading and subgrade stabilization in preparation for the installation of the new concrete pavement.

Please pay close attention as you travel through the area - traffic patterns will be changing.

January 28, 2022 Update

The next major construction phase of the project is the demolition and reconstruction of the northbound main lanes from Spring Valley Road to Proton Road. This will require shifting all Midway Road traffic to the current southbound lanes. Preparatory work for the traffic switch will be implemented beginning on Monday, January 31 and the actual traffic switch will be completed on Tuesday, February 1. Scheduling is dependent on the weather. This video details all of the traffic shifts that will take place over the next few months.

January 10, 2022 Update

As the Utility Phases of the Midway Road Revitalization Project continue, the installation of new water and sanitary sewer mains from Keller Springs Road to just north of the Belt Line Road intersection is scheduled to begin this week. This work will be done in phases to minimize the impact on traffic and surrounding properties. The first phase will be the waterline installation from Wright Brothers Drive to Wiley Post Drive on the northbound side of the roadway.

Please note that construction work continues on the DART Silver Line Project from Lindbergh Drive to the Arapaho Road Bridge. So, while driving through the Midway corridor, please pay close attention to the signage and barricading, as the traffic patterns through the area will change as various portions of the construction are undertaken.

January 6, 2022 Update

The Belt Line Road intersection main lane paving is complete and all lanes have been re-opened to traffic. New traffic signals, as well as sidewalk and median pavement replacement, are currently under construction. Crews are also in the process of installing a temporary traffic signal system from Spring Valley Road to Beltway Drive to accommodate necessary traffic switches during main lane construction in the next phase of the project.

New waterline installation is complete from Belt Line to Spring Valley. Waterline testing and service connections are being done in phases to minimize disruption to businesses along the corridor. New sanitary sewer line installation is complete from Spring Valley to Proton and work is continuing northward.

The next major construction phase of the project is the demolition and reconstruction of the northbound main lanes from Spring Valley to Proton. This will require shifting all Midway traffic to the current southbound lanes. This video details all of the traffic shifts that will take place over the next twelve months.

December 8, 2021 Update

Beginning on Thursday, December 9, only right turns will be allowed at the Proton Drive / Midway Road intersection from 9am – 3pm. The work, which is part of the Utility Phase of the Midway Road Revitalization Project, is anticipated to take one or two days to complete, depending on the weather. Drivers will be detoured to the next median opening and a U-Turn will be required to complete the detour.

November 12, 2021 Update

On Saturday, November 13, Belt Line Road will be reduced down to one lane in each direction at Midway Road from 7am until about 5pm to allow concrete trucks to deliver concrete for this phase of the intersection reconstruction.

Please note that No Left Turns will be allowed at the intersection for any truck during this time. "No Left Turns - Truck" signage will be in place.

The intersection paving phases are scheduled to be complete by the end of November.

While driving through the Midway corridor, please pay close attention to the signage and barricading, as the traffic patterns through the area will change as various portions of the construction are undertaken.

November 9, 2021 Update

Beginning on Wednesday, November 10, only right turns will be allowed at the Hornet Drive / Midway Road intersection from 6pm - 6am. The work is anticipated to take two or three days to complete, depending on the weather. Drivers will be detoured to the next median opening and a U-Turn will be required to complete the detour.

October 29, 2021 Update

The work in the Midway / Belt Line intersection is scheduled to be completed by the end of November, weather permitting. This video explains the way the phases are being implemented. The contractor is completing Phase 3 and anticipates moving to Phase 4 in a week.

Additionally, work continues on the water and sanitary sewer line replacements along Midway Road from Spring Valley Road to Belt Line Road. The contractor is now approximately 85% complete with this process. Atmos Energy, Oncor Electric, and various communication companies are also currently working in the Midway Road corridor to adjust and relocate their facilities in advance of the remaining work for the project. While driving through the construction zone, please pay close attention to the signage and barricading, as the traffic patterns through the area will change as various portions of the construction are undertaken.

September 17, 2021 Update

The next step in the Midway Road Revitalization Project is the placement of concrete in sections of the Belt Line / Midway intersection which will happen in phases. The first concrete placement phase will occur in the evening hours of Monday, September 20 and Tuesday, September 21. To minimize the impact of concrete trucks on traffic in the area, work will begin at 7pm on both nights.

August 25, 2021 Update

The next phase of work scheduled for the Midway Road Revitalization Project is the removal and replacement of the pavement in the Belt Line / Midway intersection. Various lane closures will occur in and adjacent to the intersection starting Monday, August 30 as the pavement is removed and replaced in phases. Travel lanes will be shifting as each phase is completed, so please use extra caution during this time.

August 16, 2021 Update

As the Utility Phase of the Midway Road Revitalization Project continues, it is again necessary to allow only right turns at the Beltwood Parkway / Midway Road intersection on Tuesday, August 17 and Wednesday, August 18 between 9am and 3:30pm. Drivers will be detoured to the next median opening and a U-Turn will be required to complete the detour.

August 9, 2021 Update

As the Utility Phase of the Midway Road Revitalization Project continues, it is necessary to allow only right turns at the Beltwood Parkway / Midway Road intersection on Thursday, August 12 and Friday, August 13 between 9am and 3:30pm. Drivers will be detoured to the next median opening and a U-Turn will be required to complete the detour.

July 21, 2021 Update

As the ongoing Utility Phase of the Midway Road Revitalization Project proceeds, it is again necessary to allow only right turns at the Proton Drive / Midway Road intersection on Friday, July 23 between 9am and 3:30pm. Drivers will be detoured to the next median opening and a U-Turn will be required to complete the detour.

July 14, 2021 Update

As part of the ongoing Utility Phase of the Midway Road Revitalization Project, only right turns will be allowed at the Proton Drive / Midway Road intersection on Thursday, July 15 and Friday, July 16 between 9am and 3:30pm. Drivers will be detoured to the next median opening and a U-turn will be required to complete the detour.

July 8, 2021 Update

As the reconstruction of the utility lines along Midway Road progresses, additional night work is required to minimize the impact on traffic and surrounding business. Crews have been working at the Belt Line Road and Midway Road intersection at night for the last few weeks to install the new waterline components for the project. From Friday, July 9 at 7pm to 5am on Saturday, July 10, crews will be completing the underground work at Proton Drive and Midway Road. Expect dump truck traffic and compaction equipment noise during these overnight hours while crews fill the large excavation on the southwest corner of Proton and Midway.

June 18, 2021 Update

Utility work continues on the Midway Road Revitalization Project at the Belt Line/Midway intersection and from Hornet Drive to Proton Road. Over the next few weeks, crews will be replacing the large waterline valves in the intersection and installing new waterlines across Belt Line Road. This work is being completed in phases to minimize the impact on area businesses as much as possible.

Nearly one-fourth of the new waterline has already been installed from Spring Valley to Belt Line. This work is running concurrently with the pipe and valve replacement at the intersection to expedite the revitalization efforts.

Various lane closures will continue to occur over the next several weeks as the work progresses. Some work will be performed during evening hours to minimize the impact on utility service in the area. We are still on schedule to have the new paving in the southern portion of the project completed by Fall 2022.

May 25, 2021 Update

Wednesday, May 26, expect delays at the Belt Line and Midway intersection from 9am through 11am. The traffic signals at the intersection will not be operational and traffic flow will be directed by police officers during that period. This work is dependent on weather.

May 24, 2021 Update

Over the past several months, construction crews have been working in two areas on the Midway Road Revitalization project. They initially started in the intersection of Midway and Belt Line roads but needed to temporarily shift priorities due to several reasons.

The first portion of work in the intersection is the replacement and realignment of multiple water mains that serve large portions of the Town. After construction initially began on the intersection, it was discovered that extra investigation and planning were necessary to minimize the time nearby restaurants and hotels would be without water service. The project engineering team, in partnership with the contractor, has developed a new approach to the intersection improvements that will not only minimize water disruption but should also significantly reduce the construction time required for the intersection.

Additionally, the February Winter Storm Event caused the shutdown of plastics plants in Texas which triggered a global shortage of construction materials like the PVC pipe that is needed for that complicated intersection. Town staff worked with the project contractor to locate any available alternative sources for these materials.

During this hiatus, the crews have focused efforts on preparing the median areas along Midway Road from Belt Line to Spring Valley and started installing utilities in that corridor while supplies were being obtained for the intersection.

We now have the materials needed to move forward with the intersection in hand and are ready to resume work on this area. You can expect to see temporary signals installed by the first week in June. Utility relocation work will begin the week of June 8 and paving is slated to begin at the end of June, weather permitting. We anticipate that major paving operations will be completed in the intersection in mid-September.

Because we were able to shift work to the southern end of the project while sourcing supplies, construction for the overall project is still on schedule to complete work from Spring Valley to Belt Line by November 2022.

March 24, 2021 Update

Construction crews have begun removing the medians and pavement at the Midway Road/Belt Line Road intersection to perform utility and pavement improvements. Drivers can expect to see various lane closures and traffic shifts as the phases of work rotate around the intersection. Please pay close attention to the signage in the area, as the lane functions (Left Turn Only, Right Turn Only, etc.) will change during the various phases of the work.

Utility work is scheduled to begin on Midway Road the week of March 29 starting at Spring Valley Road and progressing northward. During this work, traffic will be shifted to the outer lanes as the work progresses along the center portion of the street and median areas. This work will include the removal of sections of median pavement, curb & gutter, and median trees to allow for the utility construction. Please note that no parkway trees will be removed at this time.

March 4, 2021 Update

Short-duration lane closures will begin Monday, March 8 at the intersection of Midway and Belt Line Roads and continue over the next several weeks as work begins on the Midway Road Revitalization Project. Variable Message Boards have been placed around the intersection to provide advance warning of construction activities.

There will also be some short-duration lane closure along the Midway Road Corridor as the utility and communication companies adjust and relocate their facilities to accommodate the project.

February 3, 2021 Update

Expect lane closures on Midway and Belt Line (near the intersection) on February 4 from 10am to 4pm to perform utility locate services.

February 2, 2021 Update

You may have noticed that the Midway Road construction project signs have been installed. Construction will begin at the intersection of Midway and Belt Line in 2-3 weeks. Town staff is in the process of working with its contractors to finalize the phasing and traffic plans. Once we have the final plan in place, we will be able to share a more definitive schedule for lane closures and traffic switches. We will place variable message boards around the intersection one week before any permanent lane closures are implemented

In the meantime, there will be some non-peak hour temporary lane closures to install temporary traffic signal system components and locate buried utility lines.

December 14, 2020 Update

At its December 8 meeting, the City Council approved an almost $31 million contract with Tiseo Paving Company for Construction Services for the Midway Road Revitalization Project, which is approximately $480,000 under the project budget for construction services. Council also awarded Teague Nall Perkins (TNP) an approximately $880,000 contract for Design Support During Construction Services. Design Support During Construction Services is an industry standard for construction projects to assure the construction contractor utilizes means and methods that comply with the contract requirements. TNP is the Engineer of Record for the Midway Road Revitalization Project design. They are, therefore, uniquely positioned to provide the design support services because the Engineer of Record is required to be notified of or approve any requested interpretations and deviations by the construction contractor during construction.

Finally, Council awarded a roughly $225,000 contract to Kleinfelder, Inc. to perform materials testing services as quality assurance for the materials. Material testing services are required to assure the quality and consistency of the materials and workmanship utilized by the construction contractor to complete the Midway Road Revitalization Project.

Construction is slated to begin in mid-January.

Midway Road-Related Council Meetings

Date Topic Council Meeting Presentation
07/12/2016 Update Update meeting 07/12/16
08/15/2016 Update Update meeting 08/15/16
03/28/2017 Update Update meeting 03/28/17
10/10/2017 Midway Road Master Transportation Plan Presentation Midway Road Master Transportation Plan Presentation meeting 10/10/17 Presentation
03/06/2018 Midway Road Tree Presentation Midway Road Tree Presentation meeting 03/06/18 Presentation
04/10/2018 Design Change Order Design Change Order
11/13/2018 Midway Road Landscape Coordination with the Master Transportation Plan Midway Road Landscape Coordination with the Master Transportation Plan meeting 11/13/18 Presentation
03/26/2019 Update Update meeting 03/26/19 07/09/19 Presentation
07/09/2019 Public Hearing - Notice of Intent to Issue Certificates of Obligation Public Hearing - Notice of Intent to Issue Certificates of Obligation meeting
11/12/2019 Midway Road Construction Timeline Midway Road Construction Timeline meeting 11/12/19 Presentation
12/10/2019 DesignChange DesignChange meeting
12/10/2019 Project Specific Agreement With Dallas County for Sidepath Trail Project Specific Agreement With Dallas County for Sidepath Trail meeting
02/25/2020 Authority to Use Eminent Domain Authority to Use Eminent Domain meeting
04/28/2020 Update Update meeting 04/28/2020 04/28/20 Presentation
12/08/2020 Contract Award Contract Award meeting
12/08/2020 Materials Testing Contract Award Materials Testing Contract Award meeting


Midway Rd & Belt Line Rd, Addison, TX 75001  View Map

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