Les Lacs Pond Improvement Project


Project Type: Bond/CO Project Parks

Project Status: Engineering Design Phase

In the 2019 Bond Election, voters approved improvements of the Les Lacs Pond. The project includes replacing the pond liner, pond edge, treatments, and potential site enhancements. The project will address ADA accessibility, erosion, and maintenance concerns.

Ways to Stay Informed

Status Updates

Status Updates

September 19, 2024

A Notice to Proceed (NTP) has been issued to Texas Standard Construction, Ltd. 

  • Construction Mobilization is in process with visible signs of the start of construction beginning September 19, 2024.
  • Existing site conditions will be recorded by drone video which is scheduled at 1:00 p.m. September 24, 2024 weather permitting. 
  • Beltway Drive Road closures will occur on the south two lanes of Beltway Drive between Les Lacs Avenue and Proton Drive. Two way traffic will occur on the north two lanes of Beltway Drive between Les Lacs Avenue and Proton Drive for the entirety of the approximate 6 month construction schedule.
  • Phase 2 of the project which is landscape and irrigation will follow the completion of the pond improvement portion of the project which is phase 1

August 28, 2024

Council Awards a Contract to Texas Standard Construction for the Les Lacs Pond Improvements Project. At the August 27, 2024 meeting, Council approved a contract for the construction of the Les Lacs Pond Improvement Project Phase 1. The first step will be the execution of the contract by both parties, the contractor gets their required bonding, staff issues the notice to proceed and the contractor begins mobilization. Some of the most notable improvements include the following:

  • A 2' deep clay liner constructed of native clay which will last in perpetuity and will never need replacement.
  • Pond deepening of 50% of the pond to a maximum depth of 8' to a minimum depth of 4'.
  • Three Otterbine aerating fountains, Comet model with Fountain Glo Light system.
  • Two Otterbine high volume aeration units each with a 4-light set.
  • Wildlife protection cage over the 5' x 5' outlet at the north end of the pond.
  • Wildlife relocation and silt removal. 

Work is expected to begin in mid to late September and Phase 1 of the project is expected to last approximately 6 months. Phase 2 of the project includes final landscape and irrigation after the completion of Phase 1 which is expected to take 4 to 5 months.


August 23, 2024

Les Lacs Pond Improvements Project- Contract Negotiations and Award of Contract for Construction. Since the last update, the Town of Addison staff opened a second round of Competitive Sealed Proposals on February 15, 2024, and Texas Standard Construction, Ltd (TSC) was the only bidder for the project. Their bid was significantly higher than the consultant's Opinion of Probable Construction Cost.

  • February 20, 2024- Town staff deemed Texas Standard Construction's proposal to represent the best value to the Town of Addison based on the published evaluation criteria in the proposal. 
  • March 1, 2024- Staff hosted a "Project Negotiation" meeting with Texas Standard Construction, Westra Consultants and Town Staff. The contractor cited several conditions that forced pricing considerably above the Opinion of Probable Construction Costs.
  • April 23, 2024- Council approved a scope amendment to Westra Consultants, LLC to develop 2 sets of plans for 2 project phases for the Les Lacs Pond Improvements Project. This was based on a "Project Negotiation" meeting with Texas Standard Construction. Phase 1 is a negotiated scope and price based on Texas Standard's proposal received on February 15, 2024. This phase only includes construction items related to pond work to include two options for a clay lined pond bottom. This phase is not considered a bid, but a negotiate price since TSC was deemed as best value by the Town through the Competitive Sealed Proposal process. Phase 2 is a bid process using Competitive Sealed Proposal as a new project with a landscape contractor. This phase will include all items of the landscape scope and will be constructed at the conclusion of Phase 1. Both phases together are not expected to take any more time than the original proposed contract.

Council will be asked to approve a resolution to award a contract to Texas Standard Construction, Ltd. on Tuesday August 27 at the regular Council session.


January 12, 2024

Pre-Bid Conference for Tuesday January 16, 2024 has been rescheduled due to inclement weather. A Non-Mandatory Pre-Bid meeting will be held on-site beginning near the pond at the end of Ridgelake Court in Addison on Thursday January 18, 2024 at 10:00 a.m. Although the Pre-Bid meeting is non-mandatory, qualified bidding contractors are very highly encouraged to attend. For direction or other information please call 214-208-4353 for more details.

January 5, 2024

Les Lacs Pond Improvements Re-Bid Information: The Town of Addison, Texas is requesting competitive sealed proposals for the Les Lacs Pond Improvements Project in accordance with the specifications, bid documents and contract documents prepared by Westra Consultants. Bid documents will be available for review on Bidsync beginning Wednesday January 10, 2024 and Sealed Proposals will be accepted until 2:00 p.m., Thursday February 15, 2024. A Non-Mandatory Pre-Bid meeting will be held on-site beginning near the pond at the end of Ridgelake Court in Addison on Tuesday January 16, 2024 at 10:00 a.m. Although the Pre-Bid meeting is non-mandatory, qualified bidding contractors are very highly encouraged to attend. In the event of inclement weather, The Pre-Bid meeting will be held in the lobby of the Addison Athletic club at 3900 Beltway Drive, Addison, Texas 75001. Call 214-208-4353 for more details.

November 3, 2023

Bids for the project were due on November 2, 2023. Unfortunately, no qualified bidders turned in a bid for the project. Staff is doing investigations with several contractors to include pond specialists in order to attract qualified bidders to participate in a re-bid process which will happen shortly after the first of 2024.

September 22, 2023 Update

The Les Lacs Pond Improvement Project will be open to the Competitive Sealed Proposal Process beginning on Thursday September 28, 2023. A non-mandatory pre- proposal meeting will be held on Wednesday October 4th at 10:00 a.m. which will be open to all interested contractors. The proposals will be due at 2:00 p.m. on Thursday November 2. Once a contractor has been selected, a resolution to award a contract to the selected contractor will likely take place at the only December Council Meeting to be held on December 14, 2023.

August 28, 2023 Update

The Les Lacs Pond Improvement Project Public meeting was held on August 23, 2023, and was very well attended with 94 residents and 6 staff members. For your convenience, we have added the PowerPoint Presentation in PDF(PDF, 8MB) for the public to view.

July 20, 2023 Update

Community Meeting Planned for August 23 from 6:30 - 7:30pm at the Addison Athletic Club

Recently, Westra Consultants submitted the 90% plans for review and comment by Town staff, a process that typically takes about one month. Following the completion of the 90% review and feedback phase, Westra will finalize the construction documents, which will then be released for bidding by contractors.

Prior to the contractor bidding process, Town staff from the Parks and Recreation and Public Works and Engineering Departments will host a public information meeting on August 23, in the Community Room of the Addison Athletic Club from 6:30pm to 7:30pm. At the meeting, staff will present the final plans and share other valuable information about logistics, scheduling, and options for base bid alternatives.

November 18, 2022 Update

Map of existing site conditions

Map of pond wall and edge layout

Final schematic design

Westra Consultants and Town staff relied heavily on published public input for the Les Lacs Pond Improvement project to develop a final schematic design which was completed and accepted by staff on November 18, 2022. Along with the final schematic design, an Opinion of Probable Construction Costs (OPCC) was issued. The anticipated costs for the base bid elements were in line with staff projections, and the alternate bid items represented additional costs above the current budget as expected. The alternate items were agreed to be included in cost opinions to give Council flexibility while considering the best path forward for the project. The attached exhibits are part of the approved schematic design.


Project Timeline

This project is currently in the design phase with Westra Consultants working in the beginning stages of construction document development.

  • Construction Document Development (Up to 12 weeks)
  • Bidding Phase Assistance (Up to 8 weeks)
  • Construction Phase Assistance and Testing (Up to 42 weeks)
  • Construction by General Contractor (Up to 42 weeks)

Project Budget

Project Budget

In the 2019 Bond Election, voters approved a total of $3,282,110 for Les Lacs Pond Improvements as follows:

Design: $736,100 (Westra Consultants, LLC)

  • 100% schematic design
  • Topographic and bathymetric surveys
  • Environmental and drainage analysis services
  • Construction document development
  • Bidding and construction phase assistance
  • Construction materials testing services

Construction: $2,546,010 (TBD)

  • Replacement of pond liner with standard polyethylene membrane or HDPE (Base Bid)
  • ADA Improvements (Base Bid)
  • Lake edge that is a combination of natural (lawn), concrete and stone (Base Bid)
  • Formal landscape beds (Base Bid)
  • Retaining walls (Base Bid)
  • Clay liner option in lieu of standard polyethylene membrane or HDPE (Alternate Bid)
  • Fountains with lights and tree up-lights. (Alternate Bid)
  • Waterfall lighting (Alternate Bid)
  • Formal rain gardens and sidewalk crossings (Alternate Bid)
  • Screening wall along Beltway (Alternate Bid



On May 23, 2017 Council awarded a contract to Westra Consultants in an amount not to exceed $56,730 for initial development of schematic design and stakeholder involvement for the replacement of the Les Lacs Pond liner, pond edge treatments and potential site enhancements. Westra Consultants developed a plan for a base project which recommended the minimum work that would need to be completed to replace the pond liner, address the failing pond edge, address ADA issues and correct erosion and maintenance concerns. Westra Consultants also developed an enhanced project. This option included all site and landscape enhancements that were recommended by the consultant. This option was developed to gather public feedback, and it was never anticipated that all of the recommended elements would be constructed. During the public feedback process, residents were asked to provide information related to pond edge conditions, planting enhancements, interactive amenities, site improvement amenities, environmental amenities and aesthetic improvements. The final recommended project and the associated budget were developed from community input.

At the June 14, 2022 City Council Meeting, Parks and Recreation staff gave the Council an overview of the Les Lacs Pond Improvement Project including background information, feedback gathered in the public input process, estimated construction cost impacts caused by the current economic climate, and staff's recommended approach for moving forward with the project. Following the update, Council approved a Professional Engineering Contract with Westra to to get the project started. The engineering design and project bidding segment of the project were estimated to take approximately one year. Once the bidding process is completed, the actual construction phase is anticipated to take another year to complete.